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Mr. Liu is a high school student who has taken the Chinese high school exit exam (gaokao) twice. After missing the minimum score for his dream college by 7 points, Mr. Liu decided to go study abroad in Canada. Under Ellen’s wing, Mr. Liu took 10 hours of writing and reading 1-on-1 classes, where he quickly enhanced his English language skills. Mr. Liu boasts that Ellen’s teaching strategies truly help him better remember course content. Because he made many friends with Americans through basketball, his oral speaking skills were very good; however, this negatively affected his grammar skills because he constantly used slang in his writing. Before coming to Ellen, Mr. Liu found it difficult to even achieve a 5 on the IELTS writing section. After studying with Ellen, Mr. Liu immensely improved his writing skills and ultimately achieved an 8 on his IELTS exam writing section and a 9 on his IELTS exam reading section.

When applying for colleges, Ellen helped direct Mr. Liu in his college essays. Mr. Liu was accepted into Canada’s University of British Columbia and University of Toronto. Mr. Liu was very thankful for Ellen’s help, and they still remain good friends today. 
地址:北京市朝阳区高碑店文化新街1704 号 中国油画院
电话:18618434285 刘老师
          18601208167 王老师
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