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Mr. Chen dual enrolled in a joint master and doctorate degree program at a famous Beijing university, but he decided that he wanted to finish his doctorate degree in England. To chase his dream of attending college in England, Mr. Chen signed up for 20 hours of 1-on-1 class time with Ellen to improve his writing. Although he was very intelligent, he was not an English major, so his writing was rather sub-par. However, his logical reasoning was very strong. By focusing on Mr. Liu’s strong points, Ellen created a personalized lesson plan for Mr. Liu to elicit the greatest improvement in such a short amount of time. Through Ellen’s lesson plans, Mr. Liu was able to significantly improve his writing skills. Ellen also gave Mr. Liu many anticipated test prompts (based off the questions from the first half of 2013) to practice his writing with, and as luck would have it, Mr. Liu obtained the same prompt during his IELTS exam, allowing him to receive a high score on his IELTS exam writing portion. Mr. Liu was extremely satisfied that he was able to obtain the required IELTS score for his university on his first try, and the whole staff at GTT was very proud of him.
地址:北京市朝阳区高碑店文化新街1704 号 中国油画院
电话:18618434285 刘老师
          18601208167 王老师
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