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GMAT 强化阶段

1.已经参加过GMAT基础班,对GMAT考试内容已经有认识,已经掌握了GMAT考试所需要的语言能力,希望学习具体的做题方法和应试技巧,提高实战做题能力的学员;2.英语四级560分以上、TOEFL 90分以上,IELTS 6分以上。(建议考前2-6个月参加)
1:VIP1对1 课程, 使教师对学生有更多照顾和关怀,更有利于老师与学员之间的沟通;2.由不同的教师进行专业分科教学,其中分为数学、语法、写作、阅读、逻辑等多个环节。这种独特的教学模式使得教学针对性更强,该班有助于学员快速提高做题效率及正确率,提高考试实力,并同时快速提高自身的英语水平。

For: Students who have previously taken the GMAT exam and are familiar with the test content (students wishing to obtain a higher score on the GMAT exam or to obtain certain test-taking skills) OR students with a score of 90 or above on the TOEFL or 6 or above on the IELTS OR students who have a score of 560 or above on the CET4
Hours: 40 hours of lessons with teachers + complementary daily independent study with assistant teachers
Course content: GMAT grammar, reading, critical thinking, writing, and mathematics, as well as going over the study-abroad application process 

友情链接: 雅思官方报名| 托福官方报名| GRE官方报名| GMAT官方报名|
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